Endowment Fund

The gift that keeps on giving!

The Baldur and Area Endowment Fund is a registered community fund established to support cultural, educational, recreational and charitable purposes in the Village of Baldur.

The fund is a permanent pool of capital made up of carefully invested gifts and bequests which provides a perpetual stream of income to assist and support the changing needs of our community.  A gift to the Foundation is not giving your money away, it is investing it in the future of your community.

The Baldur & Area Endowment Fund is an incorporated non-profit corporation which is operating as its own fund under the Killarney Foundation Inc.  The Board of Directors for Baldur & Area Endowment Fund is composed of the Reeve of Argyle, one Councilor from Argyle, one town board member, the Parent Advisory Committee president, an Argyle Lodge board member, and the Baldur Community Development Association president.  No Director receives any renumeration from the Foundation for so acting.

Mandate & Philosophy

The Foundation is to hold its capital in perpetuity, to safeguard it, to increase its value as prudent investment will permit, and to distribute the income annually through grants to qualifying charitable purposes in Baldur and surrounding area.

Giving to the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund

A gift to the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund can help nurture that special community feeling forever.  A gift may be in the form of cash, property, insurance or bequests from grateful citizens who wish to leave something permanently with the community that has been good to them.

Contributions may be made in several ways:

  • A gift or pledge of money

  • A bequest in a will

  • A gift of life insurance by naming Baldur & Area Endowment Fund as a beneficiary

  • A gift in memory of a friend or relative

  • A gift in the family name

  • A multi-year pledge



Baldur Early Learning CentreSensory care room floor mats & bean bag chairs & table/seat$1,080.00
Baldur Fitness CentreWeight bench$300.00
Volunteer Enrichment GroupCompanion pets for residents$1,620.00
Baldur Parent Advisory CouncilScoreboard/projector for gym$2,000.00
Baldur Memorial HallBaseboard heat replacement$550.00
Baldur Rec CentreNew puckboard, bench impovements etc$2,500.00
Baldur SchoolPlay kitchen & blocks (kindergarten)$500.00
Baldur Memorial HallNew stove$850.00

Total Disbursements:

Baldur Hall

Front entrance - new door


 $   1,650.00 

Baldur Recreation Centre

Carpet Cleaner


 $    500.00 

Baldur Minor Baseball

Pitching machine


 $   2,000.00 

Baldur School

Outdoor classroom - stumps, cedar chips, edging etc


 $     750.00 

Baldur School

Installing back stops on 3 school ball diamonds


 $     250.00 

Baldur Flower Committee

Bench for 3rd & Elizabeth Ave.


 $   1,200.00 

Argyle Drop-In Centre



 $   1,000.00 

You may give in a number of ways:

  • By cheque payable to the RM of Argyle and delivered or mailed to the RM of Argyle office located at 132 Second St. North Baldur, MB

  • Online at the following link - click here.  It is very important that you indicate "IN MEMORY OF" and the name of individual who you are donating funds in memory of, followed by 'BALDUR ENDOWMENT FUND'.  This will ensure that your donation is allocated to Baldur in the name of your choosing.

A gift may be set up in the name of a donor, his or her family or business.  The funds may also be left unrestricted so the Board of Directors may decide each year how and where it may most effectively be used.

If your gift is being made by Will, here are a few suggestions:

1.       A Gift to an “open fund”:

To pay to the Baldur & Area Foundation, incorporated under the Corporations Act of Manitoba, the sum of ___________________________________ to be added to the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund.

 2.       A Gift to the “Community Fund”:

To pay to the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund, incorporated under the Corporations Act of Manitoba, the sum of ______________________________ to be held by the foundation and the income there from paid out annually for such objects of The Baldur & Area Endowment Fund as the Board in its sole discretion decides.

 3.       A Gift to take effect following the decease of a lifetime beneficiary:

Upon the death of _______________________________________________ to pay out the then residue of my estate to the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund, incorporated under the Corporations Act of Manitoba, to be held by the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund in an Open Fund and that the income therefrom shall be paid out annually for such objects of the Baldur & Area Endowment Fund as the Board in its sole discretion decides.

 4.       A Gift of any lapsed bequest:

In case any bequests made by this my will shall be reason of the death of any named beneficiary or for any other reason fail to take effect, the property so bequeathed shall be delivered or paid to The Baldur & Area Endowment Fund, incorporated under The Corporations Act of Manitoba, to be held by the Foundation and the income therefrom paid out annually for such objects of The Baldur & Area Endowment Fund as the Board in its sole discretion decides.

PAC President: Tammy McIntosh

Baldur Lodge:  Gordon Jones

BCDA:  Randy Desrochers

Councillor: Mike Everett

Reeve: Daniel Martens

LUD of Baldur: Troy Sigvaldason


Baldur Early Learning Centre - outdoor sun shade for the children
 $     1,000.00
Baldur Community Development - community sign, new letters
 $        200.00
Argyle Drop-In Centre - renovations to doors, windows, shingles
 $     2,400.00
Baldur Belgium bowling - repair bowling alley
 $     1,500.00
Baldur Hall - stage renovations
 $        750.00
Baldur Recreation Centre - pump & motor for geo thermal plant
 $        900.00

Baldur CemeteryLevel Headstones, add concrete runners$1,000.00
Baldur Community Development Association- Playground CommitteeSwing set & Ground cover$1,525.00
Baldur LegionReplace Cairn with new stone$1,500.00
Baldur Early Learning CentreEquipment, Furniture & Toys$1,000.00
Tiger Hills Festival of the ArtsHall rental, Adjudicator expenses$975.00
Endow MB 150 - matching grant upon approval
Playground Committee - swing set$1,525.00

Baldur HallNew lights inside the hall$1,500.00
Baldur Recreation CentreLight fixtures in the kitchen$500.00
Baldur Multi-Purpose Heritage CentreFlooring in upstairs area$1,200.00
Baldur Early Learning CentreKitchen/bathroom renovations$1,000.00
Baldur Community Development AssociationArgyle Park Food Booth - shelving/equipment$275.00
Baldur SchoolBall diamond player benches (in memory of Barry Moore)$500.00
Badlur SchoolSoccer nets$300.00

Baldur HallNew lights inside the hall
Baldur Recreation CentreLight fixtures in kitchen$500.00
Baldur Multi-Purpose Heritage CentreFlooring in upstairs area$1,200.00
Baldur Early Learning CentreKitchen/bathroom renovations$1,000.00
Baldur Community Development Assoc.Argyle Park shelving/equip$275.00
Baldur SchoolBall diamond player benches (in memory of B. Moore)$500.00
Baldur SchoolSoccer nets$300.00

The Baldur Area & Endowment Fund distributed money in the fall, as follows: 

Baldur Volunteer Enrichment Group
Floor curl
Baldur Ladies Ball Club
Shelves for shed$90.00
Tiger Hills Festival of the Arts
Hall rent$800.00
Baldur Rec. Centre
Curling dividers, filter system$500.00
Baldur Memorial Hall
Baldur hall sign$1,000.00
New brochures$240.00
Replace outdated brochures$240.00
Grund Church
Painting interior of church$500.00
Baldur School
Scoreboard for gym$500.00
Baldur School
Musical instruments$530.00
Baldur School
Makerspace items$1,000.00
Baldur School
TRX training equipment$----

The Baldur & Area Endowment fund distributed $6,000 in the fall of 2015 as follows: 

Baldur School
Community gym memberships for students
Grund Cemetary
Reapair of entrance gate posts
Baldur School
Music Instruments$500.00
Grund Church
Restore doors to church
Mariapolis Baldur 4-H Club
Rent & trophies
Baldur Memorial Hall
Dehumidifier, utility carts
Baldur Curling Club
Backpack sprinkler/broom
Baldur Recreation Centre
Ramp into facility

The board disbursed $7,550.00 in grant money in the fall of 2014 as follows: 

Baldur School
Community gym memberships for students
Baldur Regals
Ball diamond upgrades, visitors dugout, sound booth, clay
Baldur Community Development Assoc.
Picnic shelter at Argyle Park
Baldur Health Centre
Chairs for clients & families in dining room/activity room
Baldur School/Community Pad
Tennis court posts
Baldur Memorial Hall
Baby change table for ladies washroom